Saturday, July 2, 2016

(Hasbro) Marvel Legends Captain America: Civil War Winter Soldier & Falcon Review

In a nutshell,
Paint: 9/10
Articulation 8/10
Detailing 9/10
Scale 8/10
Accessories 7/10
Fun Factor 9/10

Hi everyone! Been a long time since I did a review, so here is one on the currently dodgy wave 2.5, consisting of the MCU Bucky and Falcon! I as lucky to snag a set for myself, so I decided to share my thoughts on them!

I love the packaging somehow. The artwork at the sides look really good, and the back pictures of the figures look promising too! Apart from that, the boxes are similar to the Captain America wave 2 packaging.

Paint: 9/10
Now I actually (unknowingly) got 4 sets of Falcon and Winter Soldier when I ordered, so I could actually choose the best sets for myself in terms of paint. And to my surprise, the paint on these figures are pretty spot on! There is almost no trouble with the paint job at all, and even those that I found are rather trivial. Usually Hasbro tend to not bother about the QC of their paint job, resulting in paint bleeds and poorly done eyes. But these two figures are excellent. I was very impressed with Bucky's face, especially with his eyes. Never have I seen Hasbro put in so much effort in making the eyes look good! 

Articulation 8/10
  • Head swivel
  • Shoulder joints
  • Bicep Swivels
  • Double-jointed elbows
  • Ab crunch
  • Waist joint
  • T-joints between the hips and legs
  • Upper thigh swivel
  • Double-jointed knees
  • Ankle joints
  • Ankle pivot

The articulation on both figures is nothing new, and is found on most Marvel Legends figures these days. I'd like to point out that Winter Soldier uses the same arms and legs as the previous MCU Winter Soldier figure, which is a bummer as I do not like the legs on that figure, especially the ankles. This makes posing Bucky a bit limited. Also, Bucky can bend forward quite a bit, but that leaves a weird protrusion at his back. Falcon's articulation is slightly better, the only drawback I can find is that the arms cannot raise outwards to 90 degrees. 

Detailing 9/10
Wow. The detailing is impressive. While Bucky uses many similar parts, the head and torso are new. And the sculpting is nice. I especially like how the harness is sculpted on, instead of being a separate piece like on the previous figure. There is a gun in a holster sculpted in, which cannot be removed. Some people might be annoyed by that "just for show" pistol. The Bucky head is what pulls up the score for his figure, as the resemblance is pretty good to Sebastian Stan! Seldom is Marvel Legends able to make MCU figures that have close resemblance to their actors/actresses.

The detailing on Falcon is one "wow" factor of this figure! I love how detailed his costume is. Even the arms have their own designs, and not a simple mirror image of each other. The head is really nice too, and you can almost see Anthony Mackie in the figure's face! Falcon's Redwing, wings and jetpack are also nicely detailed, which is impressive.

Scale 8/10
The scale of Falcon with the MCU Captain America is pretty good, with Falcon being slightly shorter. The reason why the score is pulled down is how Bucky is taller than Cap, by quite a bit. I do not recall Bucky being that much taller than Steve. But if you plan to pose the figures in dynamic poses, the weird scale may not be noticeable.

Accessories 7/10
Falcon's accessories are awesome. There are his wings, his jetpack, and Redwing both in deployed and stored state! His wings attach to his jetpack via 2 pegs on each side of the jetpack. It would have been perfect if they included machine pistols for him to wield, considering how Falcon comes with two open grip hands, perfect for holding those weapons! I actually purchased uzi submachine guns by Little Armory to let Falcon use.

Unfortunately, Bucky's accessories are lackluster, hence pulling down the rating. He comes with a pistol and knife, both painted black and brown. These look rather plain and unimpressive. Maybe giving Bucky a rifle similar to the one he used in the movie or something would help.

Fun Factor 9/10
That being said, these figures are fun, especially when you collect the MCU Marvel Legends figures! Bucky, not as much, but Falcon would be fun to play with! My only complaint is that Falcon's wings are pretty much fixed in the spread out position, with zero articulation. 

So are these figures worth buying? Some may choose the older MCU Bucky figure, but I personally recommend this newer one. His one head is way better than the two heads given in the previous figure. Falcon is the star of this pair, though. His accessories and the fact that it is the first time we are seeing the MCU Falcon figure coming to Marvel Legends makes him all the more worthy to purchase. So yes, I recommend it for MCU and Marvel Legends fans!!