Friday, February 12, 2016

(TakaraTOMY) Transformers Masterpiece MP-27 Ironhide Review

In a nutshell,
Paint: 10/10
Articulation 9/10
Detailing 10/10
Transformation 10/10
Scale 10/10
Fun Factor 10/10

In this review, we will take a look at TakaraTOMY's Transformers Masterpiece MP-27 Ironhide! I held back on buying any 3P Ironhide, waiting for TakaraTOMY to provide us with one. Same for Ratchet (who I already pre-ordered) and Jazz (keeping my fingers crossed). When I first saw the preview photos, there were a lot of complaints about Ironhide's side panels at his hips while in Robot Mode. I also felt a bit sad about that, as the cartoon version never had such things on him, making him slightly less accurate. This, however, was long forgotten once I took this figure out and fiddled with him!

Ironhide comes in the standard Masterpiece packaging, the box being slightly larger than that of Prowl/Wheeljack/Tracks. The format is also similar, with robot mode and car mode photos in front, and description and photos at the back. Being a weapon specialist, Ironhide comes with tons of accessories, mainly weapons. What is interesting is that they give Ironhide an alternate face, something we have not seen much since Bumblebee! This is definitely a good add-on! Like all Masterpiece figures, Ironhide comes with a collector card.

Paint: 10/10
The paint job on this figure is excellent. I really love the red they used for this figure, and there is no bleeding at all. Ironhide's face came out clean, and the Autobots insignia is nicely done on his chest. I really cannot find any fault with the paint work at all.

Articulation 9/10
  • Head swivel
  • Neck pivot
  • Shoulder joints (ratchet joints)
  • Bicep Swivels
  • Single-jointed elbows
  • Wrist joints
  • fingers joints (the 4 fingers are molded together)
  • Waist joint
  • Hinge joints between the hips and legs
  • *"skirt" flaps
  • Upper thigh swivel
  • knee swivel
  • single-jointed knees
  • Ankle joints/pivot
*these are more to facilitate better articulation

This figure is pretty articulated, which is good. I feared that the transformation process or accuracy of the figure would require sacrificing some articulation; I had nothing to worry about. This figure boasts a huge amount of articulation for a Transformers figure. It is interesting to have the "skirt" flaps (for lack of a better phrasing), as they allow you to raise Ironhide's legs even higher! The shoulder joints are using ratchet joints, which are good such that the joints will get worn out slower, but it hinders articulation a bit. Because of those joints, having Ironhide's arms rest horizontally downwards at his sides is a bit hard to achieve. That, however, is a minor gripe, and not a major issue.The vehicle mode has no articulation, unless you count the wheels that can roll around.

Detailing 10/10
The detailing on this figure is almost perfect. I really love the accuracy of Ironhide's face. In both modes, Ironhide looks almost identical to his G1 counterpart, albeit the side panels at his hips.

Transformation 10/10
Because this is a Transformers figure, I thought it would be nice to talk about the transformation too! And wow, the transformation is amazing! When I rate transformation, I look at how complex the transformation is, and how well the process is with the figure still looking accurate in both modes. What impresses me about this figure is how that red van, which is shorter than Prowl/Wheeljack/Tracks in vehicle mode, transform into the towering Ironhide that is taller than most of those mentioned Autobots. That really impressed me. The transformation process is ingenious, and not too difficult. There were no parts where I felt risky doing (for fear of breaking a part), nor steps that I found too difficult to comprehend. I really enjoy transforming this guy!

Scale 10/10
In terms of scale, this guy fits in with the Masterpiece series perfectly in both modes! I did not take photo of a scale comparison for vehicle mode as I was lazy to transform all the other Autobots into cars, so I only did a comparison shot in robot mode!

Fun Factor 10/10
This is where Ironhide shines the most! He has tons of accessories and interchangeable faces! How cool is that? Ironhide comes with a platform to hold his whole array of accessories, even the jet flames effect pieces and his alternate face! Ironhide comes with these accessories:

  • a shouting face
  • Utility sensor+monitor card for his chest

  • missile launcher
  • jet thruster + detachable jet flames

  • liquid shooter (both barrels and nozzles)
  • 'liquid shooter fingers' hands
  • static laser gun
  • laser pistols

    Storage in vehicle mode

So do I recommend this figure? Definitely! Especially if you are a Masterpiece series/G1 team collector! Ironhide is definitely a great addition to your team, and looks (to me) to be the MP-scale Ironhide to get! With that, thank you for reading and hope this review gives you a better insight of the figure!

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